Problem link: CHEFEXQ
Given an array of n elements and q queries of 2 types:
- type 1: Given two numbers p and x, the value at index p should be updated to x.
- type 2: Given two numbers p and x, calculate total number of subarrays whose starting index is 0 and the last index is ≤ p and the xor of all elements in that subarray is equal to x.
This problem can be solved using square root decomposition technique.
Let the given array is arr[] Let take another array called xorr[] to store the cumulative xor value, where xorr[i] is equal to xor value of all element from index 0 to i, i.e. : xorr[i] = arr[0] ^ arr1 ^ ......... arr[n-1],
i.e. xorr[0] = arr[0], and for 1<= i <= n-1, xorr[i] = xorr[i-1] ^ arr[i]
i.e. xorr[0] = arr[0], and for 1<= i <= n-1, xorr[i] = xorr[i-1] ^ arr[i]
Now the problem can be converted to: You are given array xorr[] of size n and there are q queries of the 2 types:
- type 1: Given two numbers p and x . Let y = arr[p] ^ x. For each index i from p to n-1 perform xorr[i] = xorr[i] ^ y .
- type 2: Given two numbers p and x. Calculate how many number in array xorr[] from index 0 to p, which are equals to x.
We will split the array into several blocks, size of each block will sqrt(n). Let blocksize = sqrt(n). Here,
[0, blocksize-1] is the first block,
[blocksize, 2 * blocksize-1] is the second block,
i.e. [(i-1)*blocksize, i * block_size - 1] is the i'th block.
Notice that starting index of every block is divisible by blocksize. For any index i the block number is i/blocksize.
Now, let cnt[blocksize][MAX] be another array to count the frequency of numbers in each block. cnt[i][j] will denotes how many numbers equal to j in the block number i.
For the first type of query i.e. update:
For each index i from p to n-1 until we get such index i which is divisible by blocksize, i.e. such i which is a starting index of any block, we decrease the frequency of xorr[i] by 1, i.e. cnt[i/blocksize][xorr[i]]--; then set xorr[i] = xorr[i] ^ y and increase the frequency of xorr[i] by 1, i.e. cnt[i/blocksize][xorr[i]]++;
For rest of the index i, i.e. such index i where i is the starting index of any block, we will do a lazy operation for that block starting at index i.
Let take another array called lazy[] of size blocksize. If lazy[i] = x, it denotes that each element in block i will be xorred by x. Initially lazy[] value for each block is 0.
Now, for rest of the lazy update operation, will change the lazy[j] value for each block j which are at right side of index i, as lazy[j] = lazy[j] ^ y.
For query of the 2nd type:
Let initialize ans = 0;
From index 0 to p, for the indices which are in a full block, to calculate the frequency of number x, in block i, we actually have to calculate the frequency of the number x^lazy[i], since the elements in block i is to be xorred with lazy[i], instead of xorring each element we will find the numbers x^lazy[i]. Because the numbers which are equals to x^lazy[i], they will be equals to x after xorring with lazy[i].
So add the frequency to our ans: ans = ans + cnt[i][x^lazy[i]], for each full block i which are left side of index p.
For the only partial block(if any), left side of index p, just iterate each index j and if xorr[j] = lazy[i]^x, (where i is the block number for index j, i.e. i = j/blocksize) then add 1 to our ans, i.e. ans = ans + 1.
Finally, just print the ans.
Overall time and memory complexity will be: O(q.sqrt(n)).
/*=================================*\ Md. Shahidul Islam CSE, BRUR Rangpur, Bangladesh mail: FB : Blog: Bengali), English) \*=================================*/ #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; const int MAX = 1000002; const int N = 100002; int arr[N], blk_sz, n, cnt[320][MAX]; int lazy[350], xorr[N]; void update(int idx, int rep) { for (; idx<n && idx%blk_sz != 0; idx++){ cnt[idx/blk_sz][xorr[idx]]--; xorr[idx] ^= rep; cnt[idx/blk_sz][xorr[idx]]++; } for(;idx<n;idx+=blk_sz){ lazy[idx/blk_sz]^=rep; } } int query(int idx, int k) { int sum = 0, cur; for(cur = 0; (cur+1)*blk_sz-1<=idx; cur++){ int val = k^lazy[cur]; sum+=cnt[cur][val]; } for(int i = cur*blk_sz;i<=idx;i++){ if ((xorr[i]^lazy[cur]) == k) sum++; } return sum; } int main() { //freopen("in.txt", "r", stdin); //freopen("out.txt", "w", stdout); ios_base::sync_with_stdio(false); cin.tie(NULL); int q, i; cin>>n>>q; blk_sz = sqrt(n); cin>>arr[0]; xorr[0] = arr[0]; cnt[0][xorr[0]]++; for(i=1;i<n;i++){ cin>>arr[i]; xorr[i] = xorr[i-1]^arr[i]; cnt[i/blk_sz][xorr[i]]++; } while(q--){ int tp, idx, x; cin>>tp>>idx>>x; --idx; if(tp==1){ int rep = arr[idx]^x; update(idx, rep); arr[idx] = x; } else { int ans = query(idx, x); cout << ans << "\n"; } } return 0; }
Its amazing tutorial.Good Job
ReplyDeleteThank you. I wish you will read my next posts as well.
DeleteCan you explain why the while loop is needed in the update operation?
ReplyDeleteI am so sorry for my late reply. I was so busy these days.
DeleteThe while loop is not needed here. I wrote it because in earlier of my code I had written different condition in the previous for loop. But later I changed the condition but forgot to remove the while loop portion.
"Given two numbers p and x . Let y = arr[p] ^ x. For each index i from p to n-1 perform xorr[i] = xorr[i] ^ y"-How did you get to this conclusion?
It is good article to improve knowledge.thank you.
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